
Studio project | 2009

This project was developed for an old city area in Xi’an, which had a typical urban typology for cities in northern China. They were built as the residential areas next to a big industria area to provide accommodation for the workers – a model that was common under the influence from the Soviet Union in the 1950s.

Such urban typology was common in the 1950s in many Chinese cities

Such an urban area was often facilitated with schools, hospitals, and other infrastructures nearby, and operated as a “city in the city”. It used to be a dream for many Chinese to have an apartment in such an area. However, together with the open-gate policy, many state-run industries lost their attractiveness to the market as well as to young people, and therefore lost the livelihood in their residential areas. Nowadays those buildings are forgotten in the fast-pacing urbanisation of China and need new ideas to host a more diverse way of living.

The area was well planed with infrastructures in the 1950s but lost its livelihood as young peoples moving out

The idea of the design is to develop an area that is friendly to different generations and has great potential to provide individual solutions to living.

Site plan of the area – a combination of high-rise buildings and multi-floor buildings

Within each complex a courtyard is dedicated to its residents as a shared public space. All the entrances are inside of the courtyard – a typical and favoured solution in China as it helps the safety of the community (e.g. a with concierge at the entrance of the complex). Playgrounds and other facilities in the courtyard are designed to improve the quality of life and offer opportunities to meet people.

A zoom-in of the left-bottom corner of the site plan

Three basic dwelling units were introduced, with the possibilities to be combined and re-developed. Multigenerational living is important to Chinese culture, however it also causes conflicts as younger generations may have different styles of living than the older generations. With the possibility of combining several apartments, this project helps mixed generations 1) to live together while still maintaing their individuality, and 2) to re-plan their homes when needed.

The three basic dwelling units
Four examples of how the basic units creates even more possibilities

The facade design takes into account of both the local climate conditions and the design language of the existing buildings.

Facade development
Several elements of the facade got inspired from the current building on site