Studio Project | UIA Student Competation 2011

In Cooperation with Zhenzhen Hou

The UIA 2011 International Student Competition had the theme “Design 2050”. It invited students of architecture to develop an urban design for an area within the metropolitan Tokyo.

We chose the site 2 TSUCHIURA by the sea side. Based on the urban planing of Tokyo, the area will be developed into a new central business district for the capital city. Only 45 mins away from Tokyo by train, TSUCHIURA will play an important role for the future Tokyo area and have its own city vibe by attracting new populations to come and settle.

The condition of the site

Single family houses and small scale retail are the main building elements in this area. Along with the decline of the population, the number of empty houses is expected to increase gradually.

Our design concept is to connect the small houses and develop them into a “network”, which will be able to host dwelling, office, and light industry. This will not only help presenting a good work-life balance without tearing down all the existing buildings, but also offers a lower CO2-emission solution in comparison to a completely newly built area. The small area is perfect for developing a bike- and pedestrian friendly district – a city district that people live and work near-by, and has great nature around.

The development of the concept
Site plan
Section of the network
Sketch of the network